CAC recruits, trains and supervises volunteer advocates who provide no cost advocacy in the community and courtroom for victims of abuse or neglect and vulnerable children and youth. We serve children and youth, ages 0-23, who reside in and around Fairfield County. CAC's trained volunteer advocates are supervised by CAC staff to advocate for the best interests and well-being of the child.
Volunteer advocates perform similar functions across all 3 program areas, with some variations particular to each program. All volunteer advocates will use a child-centered, strengths-based approach. All volunteer advocates will perform an independent investigation of the facts, collaborate with the service providers involved in the child’s case and assist both in and out of court to ensure that a child’s needs are met. In addition, oftentimes and very importantly, CAC volunteer advocates become a trusted, caring, and consistent adult in the child's life.
Some of the tasks of a child advocate could be, but not limited to:
Meet and spend time with the child on an ongoing and consistent basis.
Investigtae the facts; interview all parties involved; review files and records.
Meet and interact with foster parents and guardians.
Interface with medical/mental health, educational and other community stakeholders and systems to assure that the child's needs and best interests are met.
Attend all meetings related to the child as appropriate, such as PPT's and other school meetings, service provider coordinating meetings, DCF meetings, etc.
Advocates for and serve as a connection to clinical and support services in the community.
Participate in court hearings, conferences, and trials.
Write court reports; make recommendations to the court.
Work closely with attorneys assigned to the case, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and other agencies, to advocates for what is in the child's best interest.
Advocates for increased access to housing, employment, financial stability, unmet educational needs and health care if needed.
At all times, keeping the best interest of the child in mind.