Community Advocates for Children and Youth (CACY) Program
CACY volunteer advocates work with children and youth up to age 23 to advocate for their best interests in the community. CACY volunteer advocates are not court appointed.
What is CACY?
CACY is CAC's fastest growing program created in response to Family First legislation, the growing movement to keep children out of the child protection court system, and demonstrated need for advocacy beyond he life of a GAL case (through our Child Protection and Probate Court programs).
How does CAC get involved?
We receive referrals from a amultitude of places, including but not limited to: Department of Children and Families (DCF); attorneys and/or judges; school personnel; social workers or other community provider partners. Volunteer advocates in the CACY program provide most of the functions of a GAL, similar to our other programs. The primary difference is a CACY volunteer advocates is not court appointed and does not have a role in any court proceedings related to the case. Thus, for a referral to move forward in our CACY program, there is an agreement made between CAC, the child and their guardian.