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IEP (Individual Education Plan) In-service Materials


Materials from CAC's in-service that explored how a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed, presented by Lynn Rule of the Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center. 


Two other special needs advocacy resources that Lynn mentioned at the in-service are:

Connecticut Family Support Network (CTFSN): CTFSN is committed to helping families of individuals with disabilities and special health care needs, and the professionals who work with them, find information, resources and supports to improve their lives. 

FAVOR, Inc. (FAVOR) is a statewide family-led, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that is committed to empowering families as advocates and partners in improving educational and health outcomes for our children. FAVOR is the Connecticut state organization of the Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. FAVOR offers a single place for families with children who have medical, mental, emotional, and behavioral health challenges to find information, assistance and training. 

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