As a service to our volunteers, CAC is creating a resource list for you to help the children and families we advocate for. As we are gathering these from a variety of sources, including volunteer suggestions, please verify the information yourself before sharing it with children/families. Please contact us with any updates/inaccuracies and we will make the necessary changes.
COVID-19 Information - Trusted Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
Connecticut's Official State Website:
​Fall 2020 Back-to-School Information & Guidance
Materials from the Connecticut Children's Medical Center to support families and help them to navigate the uncertainties as children prepare to return to school:
How to prepare to have the back to school talk with your children: CCMC - Prepare for Back to School Talk
Tips on wearing a mask according to the age of the child: Tips to Make Kids More Comfortable with Mask Broken Down by Age
CCMC also provides this guidance on assessing the school environment and a checklist for parents: Connecticut Children's Back-To-School Kit
These short videos found on the Internet discuss how to talk to children about many aspects of wearing a mask:
CDC - How to Wear Masks
Key Times to Wear a Mask
How to Safely Wear a Mask
Wearing a Mask Helps Stop the Spread of Germs
Wear a Mask Song for Young Children
The State Department of Education has offered guidance to families to help them support their children. This link provides the school re-opening plans for all school districts: District Reopen Model Selection for the 2020-21 School Year. Take a look at the links below and share the information with the families whom you are in contact with:
UNICEF has also produced an article regarding what school may look like during a pandemic: What Will a Return to School Look Like
Click here for Resources to Support Student Learning During School Closures Due to COVID-19 (from the CT State Department of Education)
Click for a Fact Sheet: Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Schools While Protecting the Civil Rights of Students
Click for US Department of Education Supplemental Fact Sheet 3/21/20: Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Schools While Serving Children with Disabilities
BrainPop is offering free online educational videos and resources to schools and parents during this time. Go to:
Educational Games, Worksheets, and More for Kids - A resource for ideas, activities, games, and more for your K-5 students
Wide Open School: a free collection of the best online learning experiences for kids curated by the editors at Common Sense. A group of more than 25 organizations came together and raised their hands to help, and many more are joining on a daily basis. Watch for new features and content partners frequently.
An offer via RYASAP (Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership) in Bridgeport of an individual willing to provide an hour or so daily of tutoring for middle school aged kids. Obviously, this would require that they have the ability to access internet, computer etc. If there is anyone you are working with that is interested please contact Roland Clough at for an introduction.
Center for Children’s Advocacy Webinar: COVID-19 Resources: Critical Information for Professionals Working with Vulnerable Children and Youth. The event registration is full, but the webinar broadcast link will be available after the presentations are concluded (April 3rd, after 12pm).
Click for How to home-school during the coronavirus crisis with free resources from Today. Free resources for activities kids will love.
St. Jude Children's Hospital's "Learn about the Coronavirus" downloadable Coloring Book and Activity book, and other COVID-19 resources can be found here.
THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK, May 18, 2020 -
Resources in Spanish from CPAC (Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center):
​CPAC EN ESPAÑOL: WORKSHOPS IN SPANISH, Wednesdays at 4pm, Únete a la reunión de Zoom; or join via Facebook Live on the CPAC en Español Facebook Group
CPAC EN ESPAÑOL: PARENT SUPPORT CALL IN SPANISH - Nuestra llamada de apoyo por Zoom tiene un nuevo enlace y un nuevo horario. Favor de hacer clic en este nuevo enlace para registrarse para las llamadas de lunes, miércoles y viernes en español a las 1pm. Para aquellas personas que ya se registraron despreocúpense por hacer esto para aquellos que tuvieron dificultad espero que este enlace les permita entrar y puedan participar por Zoom. Siempre tratamos de conectarnos por FB y pueden participar por ese medio también. Disculpen la inconveniencia. Gracias a todos por su compromiso al grupo, su tiempo y participación. Sus Consultoras Bilingüe, Adriana y Kiomary
Free Internet Access
Update 5/12/21: Emergency Broadband Benefit Program Is Now Available
The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program that provides a temporary discount on monthly broadband bills for qualifying low-income households. If your household is eligible, you can receive:
Up to a $50/month discount on your broadband service and associated equipment rentals
Up to a $75/month discount if your household is on qualifying Tribal lands
A one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer (with a co-payment of more than $10 but less than $50)
Only one monthly service discount and one device discount is allowed per household. -
The FCC has announced that consumers can begin applying for and enrolling in the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program on May 12, 2021. The program will end when the fund runs out of money, or six months after the Department of Health and Human Services declares an end to the COVID-19 health emergency, whichever is sooner.
Update 10/29/20: Free internet during the coronavirus pandemic - Because of the increase of online schooling, Spectrum is offering households with students (K–12 and college) and educators free broadband internet for 60 days with any plan up to 100 Mbps. For this free service, call 1-844-488-8395 to sign up.
Low-income internet for seniors, students, and families: Your income bracket doesn’t have to limit your internet access. If your home needs a boost to cross the digital divide, take advantage of low-income internet options in your area.
Affordable internet services are available through two primary options:
First, there are a variety of internet provider initiatives with discounted monthly rates that low-income families can usually access if their kids qualify for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Find out how to apply through an Internet Service Provider.
The second option is a government assistance program called Lifeline, which offers $9.25 per month off either internet or phone services to low-income households. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to enroll in Lifeline through it.
Find comparisons of the programs and providers here
Click here for information to regarding free Broadband to homes with K-12 and college students
T-Mobile COVID-19 Education Solutions - T-Mobile created some new short-term Education programs to help students stay connected during these difficult times
From the Governor's office: Increased Access to Internet Coverage for Connecticut Residents.
Here is a compilation of the packages and offers internet providers across the state are making to
Connecticut residents to get online and stay connected at home through the COVID 19 crisis, as of May 18th 2020
Food Security Resources
School districts are providing breakfasts and lunches for students when schools are closed. Check with your child's individual school or school district for details
Click here for a resource list from the Norwalk Public School District: Worried about Feeding Your Family During the COVID-19 Outbreak?
From the Saint Joseph Parenting Center in Stamford:
SJPC in Partnership with The Boys & Girls Club Yerwood Center & The Stamford Public Schools is providing grab bags for children in the community who need breakfast and lunch. Children grab and go meals will be available 10am-12pm at the Yerwood Center.
In addition, the Food Mobile from Person-to-Person will be at the Yerwood Center offering food on Mondays from 11am-1pm.
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program):
If you have clients who are dealing with food insecure and have yet to enroll in SNAP, they can call the EHC! SNAP Call Center, information below:
EHC! SNAP Call Center Hours (English & Spanish – 866.974.7627):
SUN 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
MON 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
TUES – THURS 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
FRI 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
SAT 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- will match SNAP groceries up to $50 for Families on SNAP
For families that are already enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), is going to temporarily redirect all of its charitable funds to With its ability to reimburse volunteers directly in real-time, is uniquely positioned to help families in need immediately. Until today, this fund was focused on paying off kids' "lunch debts" , but with schools closed around the nation, that isn't the top priority. Instead, has set up a new matching program for SNAP grocery purchases up to $50 per family.
Details for signing up for the Expensify program for families:
Purchase food as normal with your SNAP card
Download Expensify on iOS or Android, for free
Join the policy
SmartScan the receipt, which will tell us how much you paid and show that it was paid for with an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card
Submit it to
Set up your bank account to receive the funds
So long as they have funds available, Expensify will reimburse up to $50 per family (one time), the very next day.
Shelter, permanent supportive housing, and rapid re-housing providers having issues accessing food for your clients can email Robin Lamott Sparks, Executive Director at End Hunger CT at for assistance advocating for necessary resources.
Stamford Food Collaborative: lots of information in English and Spanish
List of food pantry and soup kitchens in Stamford (this is in English and provides addresses, but not hours of operation or phone numbers so you may want to reach out to get more detailed information)
Person to Person is providing food at Yerwood Center (gym) 90 Fairfield Avenue: Mondays and Tuesdays from 10 AM – 2 PM
DOMUS (back parking lot/lobby) 83 Lockwood Avenue: Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10 AM – 2 PM.
These hours are being supplemented by home delivery to anyone requesting it. Those in need of services can call (203)655-0048. (You can call them to get more details), -
CT Food Bank provides a mobile food distribution. The schedule changes daily. Call 203-741-9751 for more information
Additional Resources from DHMAS and SAMHSA
Click for DHMAS Warm Line Information
Click for A.U./JoinRiseBe Statewide Young Adult Warmline
SAMHSA Helpline and Social Distancing Tips:
​Call SAMHSA’s free 24-hour Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990, if you feel lonely or need support.
A new SAMHSA document:
From UnitedHealthcare Children's Foundation, Grant Funded Resource to Assist with Medical Payments for Children
UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation medical grants help parents focus on what really matters most — their child’s health. This is a grant funded resource to assist commercially covered families with unpaid medical expenses for children under age 16. Assistance is for both covered and uncovered expenses: ex: Therapies, Durable Medical Equipment, Hospital Stays, Medication, Mental Health Services and more.-
Families can apply for the grant at:
Telemedicine Services Expanded Under COVID-19. The Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) is implementing changes in Medicaid/HUSKY Health that will support Connecticut’s COVID-19 preparedness and response through increased access to health services. For approximately 850,000 enrolled residents, DSS will now cover identified telemedicine services.
Connecticut announced that Access Health CT is opening a Special Enrollment Period starting March 19, through April 2. Coverage is available for uninsured Connecticut residents who don’t otherwise receive insurance through their job or become unemployed. The only way to sign up for this Special Enrollment Period is by calling 855-365-2428.
Court Information
Click here for updates from the Connecticut Judicial Branch
Click here for statement from Chief Court Administrator Patrick L. Carroll III on Wednesday, March 18, 2020
​The Judicial Branch implemented a mitigation plan that has greatly reduced the daily business at every court location statewide.
DCF Information
Click here for updates from the Department of Children and Families regarding COVID-19 (including archive of daily DCF emails)
Have a question concerning the Coronavirus and the Connecticut Department of Children and Families? E-mail:
CT Mirror article on 3/23/20: Connecticut’s most vulnerable children even more at risk during coronavirus crisis
To further their efforts in supporting and empowering families, DCF has collaborated with the United Way and
community providers to establish a "When it Builds Up, Talk it Out" campaign. Any parents who wish to access supports are invited to call 833-258-5011 and engage with trained professionals who will listen and speak with them about their concerns. If additional help is needed, they will be referred to community based services.
The support line can also be accessed via cell phone by visiting and clicking on the link to be
connected to the same caring professionals.
The "Talk It Out Line" is available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 8 pm and on weekends from 1 pm to 8 pm and has both English and Spanish capacity. -
DCF announced on 4/22/20 that services to all youth in care will continue, including youth who would normally be
aging out of the Services Post Majority programs, until at least 9/1/2020. Click here for more info.
Info Regarding Substance Use
Click here for info on SMART Recovery peer groups in SW CT offering their groups (with facilitators) online (audio or video options available)
Click here for info about free virtual recovery meetings - Digital All Recovery Meetings by WEconnect, Unity Recovery and Alano Club
Article from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): COVID-19 potential implications for individuals with SUDs
Update 9/15/21: Connecticut's moratorium on utility shut-offs has expired, but help is available.
Since March of 2020, Connecticut has had a moratorium on utility shut-offs during the COVID-19 pandemic. That moratorium expires today, but help is still available for impacted people to prevent their electricity and heat from being shut off.
Gas and electric accounts of clients receiving state and federal benefits should be protected from termination until May 1, 2022. Clients should be directed to call their utility company to start the process of getting coded for “Hardship” or “Winter” protection and their service should be protected.
Phone numbers for Connecticut's primary electric and gas service providers are below:
Eversource: (860) 286-2000
United Illuminating (UI): (800) 722-5584
CT Natural Gas: (860) 524-8361
Southern CT Gas: (800) 659-8299
Make sure to ask for "Hardship" or "Winter" protection when calling your utility companies at the numbers above.
Flyers in Spanish and in English are linked below with additional information and resources
CT banned all utility shut offs during the crisis. Families facing shutoff or whose utilities were shutoff should call
the Public Utility Authority (PURA) at 1-800-382-4586 -
The ban on utility shut offs does not apply to fuel oil. Operation Fuel is taking applications for help and can be
reached out 860-243-2346 or at -
Eversource has suspended disconnections, late fees and taken other steps to help customers in response to COVID-19, click here for details. Among the steps they have taken:
​Suspending disconnection of service for non-payment
Eliminating late payment charges
Offering a special, flexible payment plan — with no down payment — for any past-due amount
Mental Health Resources
Click here for a list of free online mental health resources during the Coronavirus epidemic​
Click here for Coping with Corona: Mental health supports in a pandemic from The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT. Includes:
​Coping tips
Free online and phone supports
A curated list of expert recommendations and links for talking with kids about the virus
​Stokes Counseling Services has immediate openings in their FAM Program, which provides in-home family and individual therapy to families who meet an outpatient level of care. They are providing Telehealth during this time and can assign families immediately. They only take Husky for this program. For more details click here.
From the CT Post 9/9/21: 10 things to know about accessing rental assistance in CT
Connecticut has millions of dollars of rental assistance available for tenants who earn up to or less than 80% of the area median income and were financially impacted by the pandemic.-
Hearst Connecticut Media Group talked to housing experts and state officials and reviewed program guidelines to compile a list of 10 things you need to know when applying for rental assistance.
The CT Department of Housing opened a new rental assistance program on 3/16/21, called UniteCT. Please find flyers here that you can share widely with your networks, as well as slides explaining more about the program.
For more information, you can check out these slides, or this DOH link: -
October 28, 2020: Temporary Rental Housing Assistance Program to respond to the housing issues associated with the advent of COVID-19.
​The Department of Housing advises the residents of Connecticut to CALL 211 INFO LINE and press #3 and #1 if you are homeless or in a housing emergency. The state and federal government have taken a number of steps to help protect homeowners and renters impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak.
Acting through the Department of Housing (DOH) and the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA), the State of Connecticut has created the Temporary Rental Housing Assistance Program to respond to the housing issues associated with the advent of COVID-19. Effective Monday, October 26th at 8:00 am, new requests for assistance maybe submitted. To determine if you qualify for TRHAP assistance, Threshold Eligibility Information may be submitted in ONE of TWO ways;
Click the link below, complete the questionnaire in full online, and hit Submit; or
Call 1-860-785-3111 and speak to a Call Center Representative, Monday thru Friday, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. The representative will log on, walk you through the questionnaire, and submit it live while you are on the phone.
Procedures for evicting tenants in Connecticut’s housing court have been suspended until at least April 1. This
means that people facing evictions may get some relief. If a person has an eviction pending, they can call the housing authority where their home is located or Statewide Legal Services for more information at 800-453-3320 - COVID-19-related info for Homeowners and Renters
Comprehensive list of resources from the CT Governor’s Task Force on Justice for Abused Children and The Village for Families & Children
Click here for link to
Categories of resources include:
For Families, Parents and, Caregivers
For Children
For Providers/Professionals
For Communities
Fitness Resources
Journals Articles, Chapters & Media
Misinformation About the Virus
Additional Resources
CTCARES for Frontline Workers Child Care Subsidy Program:
If you’re struggling to find and pay for child care during COVID-19 — and you’re a frontline worker, like a health care, child care, or grocery worker — this short-term program can help. It offers payments directly to child care providers, so your child gets the care they need and you’re able to work.
This is a short-term program, accepting applications from Monday, April 27 through Friday, May 22, 2020.
Keeping Babies Safe and Supporting Parents during COVID-19
Every month there are many newborns entering the world during the COVID shut down! They and their parents need reassurance, guidance and support. The Office of the Child Advocate (OCA) and Office of Early Childhood (OEC) are pleased to share with you this resource guide for new parents in English and Spanish. Many stakeholder groups supported the effort to put this informational resource packet together so that families could readily know the many supports and services available to them.
Information is this document focuses on:
Tips for new parents
Keeping their baby safe
Taking needed time
Basic needs resources
How to connect with others for support
Obtaining emotional support
National resources
COVID specific resources
Resources for Direct Donations
Information pulled from The Wall Street Journal’s 11/2/20 article: A New Way to Donate to the Needy in the U.S.: Venmo Cash Directly
Five Resources For Direct Donors
Gives cash assistance directly to people living in poverty and to Americans affected by the pandemic. This program is open to a limited number of Fresh EBT users (all of whom receive SNAP benefits), chosen at random. -
Through #GiveTogetherNow, good people from all walks of life have stepped up to help those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are experiencing financial hardship, you can join the #GiveTogetherNow waitlist to request direct support at However, please know that funds are being prioritized to families who have been identified and vetted by our trusted local nonprofit partners. As more funds become available, we will look for ways to make them available to more families in need. -
Family Independence Initiative:
At Family Independence Initiative, we believe that every family is worth investing in, and that one’s income level should not dictate one’s ability to choose what is best or right for their own family. UpTogether ® is our signature technology platform where families come together online to work together toward greater social and economic mobility. We listen and learn about the actions and activities families take to improve their lives and provide direct cash investments that match these initiatives. -
The 1k Project:
The 1k Project uses a network of trusted connections to directly match a family impacted by the pandemic with a family committed to giving them $1k for 3 months. -
A source of vetted funds that provide direct support to communities and individuals hurt by the pandemic.
Fresh EBT app:
Manage your benefits, save money, and earn income all in one place. Fresh EBT makes it easy and secure to check your food stamp balance on your phone. Free and available in English and Spanish. The app enables low-income families to manage finances and balances in the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. After a screening survey, participants elect to sign up for the cash assistance.